I think that Belgium is a very dangerous country to live in. The reason that I say this is that my life has been threatened in Belgium. Who threatens my life? Belgians! In particular, Belgian drivers keep threatening my life. I usually commute between my house and workplace, taking trams. In order to reach the tram station where I should take a tram, I should walk approximately 10 minutes and cross two crosswalks: one crosswalk does not have a traffic light, whereas the other crosswalk does have it.
I am really scared of crossing the crosswalk "with a traffic light" because Belgian drivers simply ignore the traffic light. They just pass through the crosswalk regardless of whether pedestrians cross the crosswalk. Almost every day, I am nearly hit by Belgian drivers while crossing the crosswalk. Thus, when I pointed out the traffic light with my hand, ALL Belgian drivers that violated the traffic signal made a rude gesture implying "so what?".
However, I can safely cross the crosswalk without a traffic light. That is because the road with the crosswalk is always crowded with cars and Belgian drivers cannot simply pass through the crosswalk.
I think that for Belgian drivers, traffic lights are just decoration stands along streets. I don't think that this is only my experience.